外国语言文化论坛(第八十八讲):Becoming Equivalent

讲座名称: 外国语言文化论坛(第八十八讲):Becoming Equivalent
讲座时间: 2016-12-14
讲座人: Yong Zhong
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 外国语言文化论坛(第八十八讲) 讲座题目:Becoming Equivalent 时  间:2016年12月14(周三)  下午4:00-6:00 地  点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼学术报告厅 主讲人: Yong Zhong 内容简介: This presentation examines the introduction of “discourse” into China by looking into the different usages and interpretations of the word: what discourse currently is (话语 – a new coinage); what it used to be (语篇 – a largely superseded rendition, an assimilation); what it could be (other forms of transliteration, assimilation and Japanese-based renditions); and what it arguably should be (说力 – a new coinage). The paper discusses accordingly how Western critical concepts travel into China, how different modes of translation alter their meanings, and what translation strategy should best be employed to facilitate conceptual exchanges between the West and China. Additionally, the paper traces back a well-hidden Japanese “gene” in a majority of Chinese cultural concepts, discloses the conceptual flaws in Chinese renditions, and recommends an informed strategy for translating Western critical cultural concepts into Chinese.   主办单位:西安交通大学外国语学院  