外国语言文化论坛(第八十七讲)讲座一:Research Philosophies, Paradigms and Evaluations

讲座名称: 外国语言文化论坛(第八十七讲)讲座一:Research Philosophies, Paradigms and Evaluations
讲座时间: 2016-11-24
讲座人: MairinHennebry
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 外国语言文化论坛(第八十七讲) 讲 座1:Research Philosophies, Paradigms and Evaluations 时   间:2016年11月24日下午4:00-6:00 地   点:逸夫外文楼B座10楼学术报告厅 摘   要:This lecture will consider the philosophies that underpin today's salient research paradigms and shape the ways we understand social phenomena. We shall reflect on the ways in which these philosophies have been juxtaposed to each other and the dichotomies that have arisen. A critical examination of the validity of these dichotomies and of their impact on the field of social science research will be developed and the emergence of mixed methods as a pragmatic response will be considered. The lecture will problematise the search for a one-size-fits all approach to understanding humanity and society. Drawing on the work of Gorard and Cook (2007) and Hamersley (2007), the lecture will problematise the challenges and opportunities presented by methodological plurality with regard to the evaluation of research.    