Algebraic properties of monoids of diagrams and 2-cobordisms

讲座名称: Algebraic properties of monoids of diagrams and 2-cobordisms
讲座时间: 2016-10-25
讲座人: Mikhail Volkov
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应数学与统计学院的邀请,俄罗斯Ural Federal University教授Mikhail Volkov将于近期访问我院,来访期间将为师生做以下学术报告: 报告题目:Algebraic properties of monoids of diagrams and 2-cobordisms        报告时间:10月25日    7:00-9:00pm 报告地点:理科楼408 报告人: Mikhail Volkov         摘要: Partition of diagram monoids first appeared in 1937 in a paper by Brauer in which they served as vector space bases of certain associative algebras relevant in representation theory of classical groups. Other species of diagram monoids were invented by Temperley and Lieb in the context of statistical mechanics in the 1970s and by Kauffman and Jones in the context of knot theory in the 1980s. Since then diagram monoids have revealed many other connections, e.g., with low-dimensional topology, topological quantum field theory, quantum groups etc.Recently, they have been intensively studied as purely algebraic objects, and these studies have shown that diagram monoids are quite interesting from this viewpoint as well. In the talk, we will introduce some algebraic properties of monoids of diagrams and 2-cobordisms.  