Overview of the University of Illinois and Research at the Illinois Center for Geological Sequestration of CO2

讲座名称: Overview of the University of Illinois and Research at the Illinois Center for Geological Sequestration of CO2
讲座时间: 2016-10-16
讲座人: Albert J. Valocchi
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 应能源与动力工程学院流体机械及工程系刘海湖副教授的邀请,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Albert J. Valocchi教授将于2016年10月16日上午来我校进行学术访问,并针对二氧化碳地质埋存技术的最新进展进行一次公开学术讲座,届时欢迎各位师生参与交流。 讲座题目:Overview of the University of Illinois and Research at the Illinois Center for Geological Sequestration of CO2 讲座时间:2016年10月16日 上午10:00 -12:00 讲座地点:北二楼1401会议室 讲座人:Prof. Albert J. Valocchi 讲座内容:     I will present an overview of research activities on geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, focusing on the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) and Center for Geologic Storage of CO2 (GSCO2). IBDP was a demonstration project for injection of 1 million tonnes of supercritical CO2 into a deep saline sandstone reservoir. There was intensive post-injection monitoring using seismic methods and pressure sensors at observation wells. Small scale geological heterogeneity appeared to have a major control on reservoir-scale migration of the CO2. GSCO2 is a new basic research center that builds on the knowledge and data from IBDP, focusing on predicting the migration of injected CO2 and identifying mechanisms of injection-induced micro-seismicity. One of the major science themes of GSCO2 is to use numerical models to improve understanding of the migration and storage of CO2 at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. I will give an overview of the modeling activities in the center, focusing on pore-scale simulation using pore-network and lattice Boltzmann models. I will also present some background information about the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the University of Illinois.