Andreas Paul Froba教授系列讲座一:Dynamic Light Scattering for the Determination of Thermal and Mass Diffusivities of Binary and Ternary Fluid Mixtures in Chemical and Energy Engineering

讲座名称: Andreas Paul Froba教授系列讲座一:Dynamic Light Scattering for the Determination of Thermal and Mass Diffusivities of Binary and Ternary Fluid Mixtures in Chemical and Energy Engineering
讲座时间: 2016-09-19
讲座人: Andreas Paul Froba
校区: 兴庆校区
讲座内容: 讲座名称:德国Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,Andreas Paul Fröba教授讲座通知 讲座内容:Dynamic Light Scattering for the Determination of Thermal and Mass Diffusivities of Binary and Ternary Fluid Mixtures in Chemical and Energy Engineering 讲座时间:2016年9月19日  上午9点30分至11点 讲座地点:北二楼1401会议室 讲座人:Andreas Paul Froba教授    